Combustion Society of Japan
43rd Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion
Japanese page
December 5 - 7, 2005   Tower-Hall Funabori, Tokyo, Japan
50th Anniversary Announcement Scientific program Instructions for speakers Venue location Symposium office Combustion Society of Japan
50th Anniversary (updated: Jul 28, 2010)
- The forty-third symposium (Japanese) on combustion was held during December 5-7, 2005 in Tokyo, Japan.   The local organizing committee thanks all the participant and guest for their contribution.
  In cerebration of this year being the fiftieth anniversary of the Combustion Society of Japan, anniversary ceremony, party, and exhibition are planned during the fourty-third symposium (Japanese) on combustion.
Fiftieth Anniversary Ceremony
Date/TimeDecember 6, 2005   16:00–18:15
FormulaProf. Toshikazu Kadota, President, Combustion Society of Japan
Complimentary SpeachProf. Brian S. Haynes, President, the Combustion Institute
Congratulatory AdressesProf. Hyun Dong Shin, KAIST
Anniversary Lecture "Combustion Research of Japan - History of Recent 50 Years -"
Prof. Toshisuke Hirano, President, Chiba Institute of Science
Special Anniversary Lecture "Fifty Years of Magnificent Combustion Research in Japan"
Prof. Chung K. Law, Princeton University
Closing remarksProf. Masahiko Mizomoto, Vice President, Combustion Society of Japan
Date/Time December 6, 2005   18:30–20:30
Anniversary Exhibition
Period December 5–7, 2005
Exhibits History and Statistics of CSJ, Symposium Chronology,
Photographs, Publications, Medals from the Combustion Institute, etc.
Journal of CSJ Special Issue (Feb. 2006)
Contents Preface, Fifty-years of CSJ, Memories, International Symposium,
History of CSJ Journal, Photographs, Statistics, etc.