Women in Combustion Luncheon
Women in Combustion, Japan is organized by Combustion Society of Japan (Japan section of
Combustion Institute) to support all women working in or studying combustion in Japan.
As a part of this activity, WiC luncheon was organized during 61st Combustion Symposium in Sendai, Japan.

◆When November 16 12:20- (Symposium 2nd day)
◆Where to meet Symposium registration site
◆Restaurant Around the venue
◆How to join Please email information below with subject ’WiC luncheon’. If you have any presentation in session A-E 22, or P2, please let us know. Please also email your contact information (name, affiliation) and a few words about yourself if you wish to join WiC activity in the future.
◆Contact: Sayaka Suzuki (TokyoTech) wic@combustionsociety.jp
Application Form
(if you are a student, please specify undergraduate, master, or PhD)
Food allergy or Special dietary requirement:
Presentations in session A-E 22, or P2 :
Please also email your contact information (name, affiliation) and a few words about yourself if you wish to join WiC activity in the future.

Contact: Sayaka Suzuki (TokyoTech) wic@combustionsociety.jp