Poster prensentation at this sympsium will be held online via REMO. 
 Please note that a short presentation held during luncheon session at the last symposium will not be held at this symposium.

-  When you log on to REMO, you can see the floor where some tables are located as shown by the following image.
 Please select the number of floor and give a presentation at the table where your presentation number is assigned.
-  Each table has a "whiteboard" function to discuss with audiences.
 Please give a presentation by attaching the PDF file of your poster on the whiteboard.
-  The poster presentation will be held on Nov. 22 (Mon.) or 23 (Tue.), 2021.
-  A manual for the poster presentation via REMO will be uploaded later. Please check it out.


Figure of the floor at REMO (The design might be changed on the day of the event.)

- PREPARATION  PDF file of the poster
-  Please make the poster with an aspect ratio of H9 : W16.
 Although the size does not matter, please prepare in high resolusion so that you can see the details.

-  The Best Presentation Award will be given to excellent poster presentations. The awards will be given at the banquet.

 July 2330 (Fri.), 2021 (Extended!)   Deadline for poster abstract submissions  =>Poster Abstract Submission