
Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan Vol. 54 No. 167


  • Awards of the Combustion Society of Japan, 2011
- Attraction of Theoretical Analysis in Combustion Studies -
  • The Unique Characteristics of Theoretical Analysis of Flame
    Takeno, T.
  • Reminiscences of Asymptotic Analysis in Combustion
    Niioka, T.
  • I Love Logarithmic Plottings - Trivia was my Driving Force for Combustion Research -
    Mitani, T.
- Combustion Physics Learned from Actual Cases I -
  • Video Image Analysis of the Explosions of Reactor Buildings of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
    Tsuruda, T.
  • [PDF] A Study on Cellular Pattern in Detonation Propagation
    Ishii, K., Morita, K., Okitsu, Y., and Kataoka, H.
  • [PDF] Curvature Effects on Flame Structure of Hydrogen/Air Rich Premixed Flame
    Mizobuchi, Y., Takeno, T., Matsuyama, S., Shinjo, J., and Ogawa, S.
  • [PDF] Effects of Spark Discharge Mode in Pulsed Flame Jet
    Nakashima, F., Hotta, K., Hashimoto, H., Moriue, O., and Murase, E.